What is abortion?

Abortion is the act of terminating an unwanted pregnancy, for any reason. This should not be conflated with miscarriage, which is when the baby dies in the womb unintentionally. Some argue that this is a 'fetus,' 'zygote,' or even a 'clump of cells,' the latter of which can explain literally all life on Earth.

Many arguments break down to a few medically necessary abortions, where the life of the mother is at risk. But, they use this argument to allow abortions for any reason at any time, including mere seconds before birth.

I would like to thank Greg Berry for organizing an outline of this document.

Note: Whenever available, the source linked is hosted on Archive.org. At the time of writing, all sources are available at their original URLs.

Note: The colors for some of the graphs have been modified to aid in readability. However, details and statistics of those graphs have been unmodified.


I, PRIZ, am no doctor. However, I do have an understanding of basic body systems, and I have suffered from cancer previously. Therefore, my opinions on cancer and its treatments are valid, even if you think the rest of the page isn't due to the contents of my pants.


I am open to hear any and all of your suggestions or criticism. I am a busy man, so I would greatly appreciate if you took the time to put your feedback over in this issue on GitHub. Of course, you can always DM me on Twitter instead.

Common Methods

Early and Medical

This is the basic abortion pill that is often used before 9 weeks of gestation. While this can be a fairly benign process early on, it can end up being a crime scene inside the toilet later on due to development.
According to WebMD, it is important to remember that this is a prescribed process involving two medications, the first oral and the second is inserted into the vagina. Doctors often provide mifepristone or methotrexate as the first drug. It is a hormone that prevents the pregnancy from developing any further. A couple days later, you will take misoprostol through the vagina, which induces cramping and bleeding, almost like a period.

Methotrexate should only be used when treating cancer or severe diseases caused by an overactive immune system, so its usage in abortion is beyond me. It is known to cause severe birth defects and even death. Since this is a chemotherapy, it is reasonable to assume that this drug works by inhibiting cell division throughout the body, meaning that some spills over into the baby and halting growth altogether.

Mifepristone is a drug primarily used to induce contractions and other period-like symptoms, although these last for 9-16 days instead of the typical 2-7. Up to 8% of women have bleed for upwards of and even exceeding 30 days. 0.05% of women required transfusions.

Misoprostol is a medication designed to prevent stomach ulcers while taking NSAIDs. It is also used to induce labor when inserted into the vagina, and is NOT APPROVED by the FDA to be used in this manner.

Simple Evacuation

A simple evacuation involves taking a vacuum-like device to literally suck the pregnancy out of the womb. These usually occur at or before 13 weeks as the child is still small enough to be removed in a single motion.
Simple evacuations are considered surgical operations. According to the CDC, 40% of all abortions were surgical abortions at or before 13 weeks of gestation, so I will assume this is a simple evacuation.

Dilation and Evacuation

Unfortunately, 6.7% of all abortions involve extra steps beyond the simple evacuation. Because the baby is very large at this point, it is necessary to physically rip the arms and legs off the child. Many even include crushing the skull using a pair of medical grade tongs, called forceps.
Since 615,911 abortions were performed in 2020, that means a whopping 41,266 children were literally ripped apart in the womb for the sake of the mother.

Polls & Data

According to this Gallup Poll:
Belief % of population
Morally acceptable
Morally wrong

According to this Civiqs Poll on abortion rights:
Belief % of population
Always Legal
Mostly Legal
Mostly Illegal
Always Illegal

Basically, America is overwhelmingly in support of abortion access.


I strongly suggest you read this section, as the Dobbs Decision makes clean work of Roe v. Wade, declaring it completely unfounded by anything and making short work of its claims.

All throughout history, abortion has been a highly debated topic with varying levels of acceptance. Early restrictions were placed by the Catholic Church before appearing in secular law, citing that all life is sacred and abortion is murder of an innocent life. Even in the United States, abortion was considered illegal except in cases where the pregnancy directly threatened the life of the mother. I would argue most conservatives would agree with this sentiment, but I know that some will say that both lives are in the hands of God, and we shouldn't intervene.

However, Roe v. Wade of 1973 protected the "Constitutional right" to abortion, citing the right to privacy in the 4th amendment and Griswold v. Connecticut, protecting abortion at the federal level. This permitted the mother to abort her child for any reason during the first trimester, the state to add some regulations during the second, and the state to outlaw it during the third.

In 2022, Dobbs v. Jackson of 2022 overturned the 1973 decision, claiming that the Constitutionality of those cases was wrongly decided.
The 1973 case cited the right to privacy (IV), the right to not incriminate yourself (V), other implied rights (IX) and the right to liberty (XIV) to state that we shouldn't know about any medical decisions anyway. However, newer decisions have disputed the relevancy of the 14th amendment, citing the Due Process clause or Equal Protection clause.
Since the right to liberty in the 14th amendment has been highly controversial and no new case has clarified the definition of "liberty," Dobbs looked into history and context of the 14th amendment, and found that the right to abortion was never recognized previously, so the "liberty" argument was tossed.
Dobbs also decided that due to the very grey line between "potential life" and an unwanted pregnancy, the line of ordered liberty, which separates public and private life, is also blurred, and the right to privacy can not be maintained.
Although not mentioned, it is obvious whether or not someone is pregnant after a couple months, so you incriminate yourself automatically by one day having a baby, and the next day not, so the right to not incriminate yourself as protected by the 5th amendment is not applicable.
Lastly, since there are no other rights to infer from, the 9th amendment is also not applicable. Therefore, Roe v. Wade was completely unfounded by anything, and all abortion restrictions should be passed back to the states. The Dobbs Decision did not ban abortion, it merely stated that this should not be addressed at a federal level.

Currently, this is a highly debated topic, mainly centering around the definition for a life and bodily autonomy. However, debating what rights we have as humans is a higher level argument, and we need to instead focus on who gives those rights; God or government.

Common Myths

Lack of Public Support

Many claim that most Americans were against the Dobbs Decision, but that's only because of the loudest group screaming about it. The overwhelming majority of Americans only defend early abortions because it's small and harmless, relatively speaking of course. And that is reflected in the original text of Roe v. Wade, as the federal government gave more power back to the states in later trimesters, even permitting the state to outlaw abortion entirely during the third trimester. Of course, most will defend abortion access when the mother's life is at risk.

Contraception will be Banned

Roe v. Wade never made any mentions of contraception at all. Dobbs v. Jackson actually brings this up several times, but ultimately rules that it is irrelevant to the case at hand, meaning contraceptives will be just as available as they always were.

More Dangerous Abortions

Current treatments are already not approved by the FDA to be used in abortions, so it is unsafe anyway. I've discussed the particular drugs used previously.

Loss of Opportunity

Many claim that women will not be able to control their lives or careers without abortion options. To which I ask, is it that difficult to abstain from sexual acts? You still have every right to do what you want as you did before, you just have to think about a condom before sleeping around.

Foster Care System

The Foster Care System is already an absolute mess and needs additional funding and reform. It is important to note, however, that Christian families are the most likely to adopt children and put up with the system.

Maternal Mortality rates

People claim that deaths due to pregnancy will skyrocket. To put it lightly, that is a blatant lie. According to the CDC, mothers have less than 0.0238% chance of dying from birth. I say 'less than' because that figure also includes the deaths from abortion. Across the entire USA in 2020, only 861 women were identified as having died from maternal causes. To put that into perspective, there are over 300 million Americans in the US; 861 is nothing.
Now, we do see a rising trend with maternal deaths, but that is due to being older and having high risk pregnancies. Rates rise nearly 500%, from 22.8 deaths per 100k births for mothers aged 25-39, to 107.9 for mothers aged over 40.

Criminalized Miscarriage

Flat-out incorrect. Dobbs cites laws from several states that medical providers, should be punished for administering any procedure intended to procure the miscarriage of the child. These are important semantics here; the doctor is punished for causing the mother to miscarry, but the mother is never at fault here. Most laws actually protect abortions when used to save the mother's life, and every mention of miscarriage in these laws explicitly state that these are willingly produced. Dobbs makes no mention of how miscarriages should be handled beyond handing that power to the state.

Pregnancy Tracking Stats

I understand that women do not want their pregnancies to be tracked and potentially handed out to other apps. Android and iOS require explicit consent from the user to track health data, and each app has permission to this data disabled by default. Moreover, if you are using period tracking apps, you shouldn't be too scared anyway since the app will know when you are suddenly not on a period.

Miscarriage Treatments Unavailable

As stated previously, Dobbs makes no mention of how miscarriages should be handled. The overwhelming majority of states already protect 'abortions' after the baby has died.

Dangerous Pregnancies

As stated previously, most, if not all, states already protect abortions when the life of the mother is at risk. It is up to her to still ask, however. This includes ectopic pregnancies.

Pro-Abortion Arguments

My Body, My Choice

You tell me when it is no longer your body.
If it isn't a body until it exits your womb, then preytell, what magical properties does the cervix or surgical opening endow onto this 'clump of cells' to transform it into a life? As seen here, a baby mere 8 weeks old already has fully formed fingers and toes, even making fists and whatnot. There is no reason to say that this is 'your body.'

Abortion is Safe

To a point. Medicine-based abortion just starves the child and you push it out anyway. Surgical abortion involves tearing the child, limb by limb. Either way, you may have to visit the doctor again to remove some remnants of the child that used to be.
According to the NHS, only a "small number" of women suffer from pelvic infections after an abortion. However, they curiously neglect to mention the statistic they used to determine this "small number," unlike every other risk factor listed on the page. Therefore, I can only assume it is a bit more prevalent than they would like you to know. Pelvic infections also increase the risk of infertility and ectopic pregnancies, meaning an abortion could stop you from having your next child, should you ever want one.
I am very familiar with Apple's "small percentage of users" gaslighting tactic, so I will refuse to believe any "small number" figure without any number next to it

Dangerous Unlawful Abortions

Yes, unlawful abortions will be more dangerous, but that's because of the unsanitary environment. If the same process is used as in the doctor's office today, not much will change. If anything, it'll save more lives since you save $500 on each operation

A Fetus is Not a Person

Fetus means unborn young. Embryo means a collection of cells of an animal or human. A zygote means an organism formed by the union of two gametes. All these are fancy terms for baby animal or human. They just abstract the definition to make it seem as if you aren't doing anything wrong. After your abortion, you'll likely never stop thinking about the child you never had. Go back to the my body my choice argument and tell me where it stops being a fetus and starts being a child.

Undue Stress on Families

Yes, having a child causes stress. But it also brings much joy in the hours after. I can guarantee you that having a child will be the best experience of your life. You get to relive all your nostalgia, but through the eyes of your son or daughter instead of alone in your room. Even in the delivery room, your mind is racing through how fascinating life is. From nothing, mere months later, a life that lives in your footsteps.

Restrictions on Personal Freedoms

Your personal freedoms start where someone else's begins. That 'someone else' is the little baby who is going to open his eyes in only 9 months time.

History of Planned Parenthood

According to the Washington Post, Margaret Sanger was a profound racist woman who supported eugenics, which aimed to improve the human race through planned breeding based on genetic traits. That's right, she tried to breed out minorities because she saw them as suboptimal. Then, Planned Parenthood, upon this revelation, decided to change history by scratching her name off as a founder. Today, more black babies are aborted than born in New York City: TNEagleForum.org.
Even more damning, Planned Parenthood's own website neglects to define abortion, and promotes confusing and sexualizing children at young ages with 'gender identity.'

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