My Cat

My cat's name is Cluster, named such because he is a clusterf*ck of destruction. His nickname is "Miersky kot", russian for a "cat that brings pain"


My cat is not the smartest, let me give you an example:
One day, Cluster finds a mouse. The mouse, understandably, hides behind the chest freezer, and Cluster cannot reach. So, Cluster jumps to one side of the freezer. Now, the mouse feels threatened again, so found another hiding spot and ran to it. So, Cluster jumps to the other side of the freezer...
I help him out by uncovering the mouse, and cluster runs right over. Pretty good, right? Just you wait.
The mouse runs to about 5 feet away from the furnace room, and takes a break. So Cluster runs right to it. Cluster proceeds to sit still staring at the mouse for up to 5 seconds. The mouse then moves and then Cluster starts chasing right away

I'm sure that every mouse died of exhaustion before Cluster jumped on it, which is a very sad thought.


Here are a few photos of my little miersky kot.
Cluster: pic 1
Cluster: pic 2
Cluster: pic 3

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